

3D Design/

Motion Graphics/


Captura de Tela 2022-12-08 às 00.00 1

Conceived by the masterminds at SteelSeries, these sonic juggernauts aren't just speakers; they're a battle cry to gamers worldwide, wrapped in a groundbreaking design and thunderous decibels.


Enter the Arena

Enter the Arena

Enter the Arena

Shapes & Forms took up the challenge. Their mission? To catapult the Arena Speakers to the forefront of gaming audio through heart-stopping, breathtaking 3D storytelling. Shapes & Forms' spectacular 3D narrative doesn't just highlight the speakers; it embeds them in your psyche, turning them into an icon, a must-have, a non-negotiable for your gaming lair. Every pulse, every gleam, every detail of the Arena Speakers rendered so masterfully.

Product Renders

When high-fidelity design meets high-fidelity sound. We showcased our creative exploration through various jaw-dropping 3D approach. We’re talking TEXTURES, EDGES, LIGHTING, EVERY. SINGLE. DETAIL. had to match the audio engineering of the Arena SteelSeries Speakers! These speakers don’t just ‘sound good’ – they redefine elegance and performance.
Shapes And Forms



Client Steelseries | Agency Catalyst Marketing Agency | Executive Producer Thomas Knight & Heidi Zadok | ECD Fabian Garzon | Producer Katelin Neese | Art Director Piero Desopo | Designer Juan David Velasquez López - Sebastian Zuluaga Valencia -Carlo Sa - Luan Rossi - Piero Desopo | Animation James Ortwerth - John Magbanua - Juan David Velasquez López - Sebastian Zuluaga Valencia - Jhonathan Duran "JD" - Piero Desopo

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